
Mr Gaga

Allowed 100 minutes 2015 7.5

Even though Ohad Naharin didn’t take any dancing lessons until he was 22 years old, he has become one of the most interesting and celebrated dancers and choreographers of contemporary dancing. The friend and filmmaker Tomer Heymann paints a nuanced portrait of Ohad, the man who created a new “dancing language” called Gaga, who came to redraw the entire map for modern dancers. His efforts as the artistic leader of the Israeli Batsheva Dance Company also made the dance company one of the leaders in modern dance. In Sydsvenskan Annika Gustafsson describes Mr Gaga as “a unique study of one of the most controversial and acclaimed figures in modern dance”. Dagens Nyheter’s Örjan Abrahamsson finds that the film provides a “both nuanced and incredibly beautiful portrait with a great sense of the special feel to the art that is dancing”. Both of them gives the movie the highest rating.

The film is not playable outside of Sweden
Category: Documentary
Genre: Biography, music
Director: Tomer Heymann
Country: Israel
Language: English, Hebrew